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for Your College Student

Cushion for Your College Student is 6 to12 month program for youths ages 16+ who have at least a 2.5 G.P.A., 3 school-related references and 1 work (or volunteer) reference. Each student will have to complete 25 hours of our financial literacy course and finish with at least an 85% average on the final exam.


Included with the program:

• business creation for the teen in the field of interest they desire

• business credit valued at a minimum of $50,000 in 6 months

• the option purchasing or leasing a company vehicle for the student (after 6 months)


The program will teach students how to maintain and sustain their business, leverage business credit for asset accumulation and how to build wealth. Each student will have a 1-hour strategy session quarterly with a financial coach from Exclusive Solutions.


Our goal is not only to educate and empower but create unique opportunities previously unavailable to them. Your child’s life will be transformed from that of a mere student to a business minded young mogul. We are in the process of creating more content and similar programs daily. To join Cushion for Your College Student, click the link below or email:

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